Our Department Visited Prof. Dr. Musa Yildiz
5 July 2022 | 11:09

Head of the Department of Energy Systems, Faculty of Technology, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aktaş, our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız visited. During the visit, Education-Training and Foreign Relations Institution Coordinator Prof. Dr. İhsan Kalenderoğlu, Deputy Heads of Department Dr. Instructor Member Güven Tunç and Assoc. Dr. Erdem CIFTCI, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ilbas, Prof. Dr. Adem Acer, Prof. Dr. Kurtulus Boran, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Menlik, Prof. Dr. Fatih Emre Boran, Assoc. Dr. M. Bahadır Özdemir, Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Aktaş, Assoc. Dr. H. İbrahim Variyenli and Assoc. Dr. Battal Doğan accompanied them.

Head of the Department of Energy Systems, Faculty of Technology, Prof. Dr. During the visit, Mustafa Aktaş, the Rector of our University, Prof. Dr. Musa gave information to Yıldız. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız, on the other hand, thanked Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aktaş and the faculty members of the department.

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